Judy Hanson has been Doctor Aiden's highly competent Executive Assistant for over 12 months. She brings an easy elegance to the atmosphere of the office with her well coordinated designer outfits and jewelry. Her flawless rich dark skin and close cut black hair contribute to the overall picture of a strikingly attractive woman who can be friendly and take care of business at the same time.
Walter is still stretching when he gets to Judy's office. Judy: Hi Mr. Riggs. I understand that this is going to be your last session. Walter: Yeah, I'm going to miss it for a number of reasons, and you are one of those reasons. Judy: That's nice of you to say. I'll miss you too, but you'll be coming back for a follow-up consultation in a few weeks. We can schedule that after you talk to Doctor Aiden, he's ready for you now. |